Winter Clearance Sale - 70% OFF SELECT SKINS

Sonoran Desert Institute

Program Information

Thank you for your interest in our Gunsmith Program. We welcome both SDI graduates as well as students who are currently enrolled in SDI courses. Approved applicants are given a 20% wholesale discount on all GunSkins vinyl products with no purchase minimums. Note that we do not allow applicants to sell on third party platforms (e.g. Amazon, eBay, etc). Please download our digital catalog for a detailed look at our products and patterns.

Sonoran Desert Institute

Benefits of GunSmith Program

Partner with us and give your customers what they want, an affordable and reliable finish for their guns and gear! Make GunSkins a part of your business strategy. Accredited Gunsmiths can expect the following benefits and more:

  • We offer gunsmith only discounted pricing.
  • No order minimums.
  • Count on our excellent customer support for you and your customers.
  • Pre-order new camouflage patterns before public release.
  • As a Certified Installer, we'll drive more business your way.

For students that have purchased at least once during SDI enrollment, you will automatically become a dealer, with no minimum purchase, upon request at graduation.