Winter Clearance Sale - 70% OFF SELECT SKINS

Service Discounts for Military and First Responders

Service Discounts for Military and First Responders - GunSkins
Service Discounts for Military and First Responders - GunSkins

GunSkins honors all military members, past and present. We also support local law enforcement and fire fighters. We appreciate everything that these service members give to our communities and our country. In order to give back to them, we are offering special discounts to be used on our website.

We are rolling out two discount types: Military and Responder. Military discounts are available to active duty, veterans and dependents. Responder discounts are available for police officers, fire fighters, and EMTs. The discount amounts are the same, but are separate for the sake of verification purposes. In order to qualify for these discounts, you must validate your service member ID.

Law Enforcement Discount

We support our boys and girls in blue.

In addition to offering special discounts for service members, we also offer specialty patterns to honor each field, including Military OCP, A-TACS LE, Thin Blue Line, and Thin Red Line, respectively. Even if you're not a service member, these patterns look great on any gun and show support for the cause.

If you have an identification number associated with your service in the Military or as a First Responder, don't miss out on our special discounts just for you! Or even better, forward this article to someone you know who qualifies!


  • GunSkins: November 22, 2020
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    You are correct Terry, Don’t Tread On Me is not available in AK-47 Mag Skins. Using the smaller AR-15 Mag Skin on the SKS mag will come up short and be more difficult to install around the curved front and back.

  • Terry Franklin: November 19, 2020
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    Want to put Don’t Tread On Me wrap on a Tapco SKS 20 round magazine. I believe I should normally use AK-47 wrap, but that pattern is not available online.

    Can the AR-15 magazine wrap be made to work on the SKS mag?


  • GunSkins: October 15, 2018
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    Good question, Zac. Yes, you can wrap a cerakoted weapon with GunSkins!

  • Zac: October 14, 2018
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    Will GunSkins install over a cerakoted weapon?

  • GunSkins: October 09, 2018
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    Kenny, our standard Rifle Skin won’t quite fit the Ruger Precision Rifle, so we recommend using our generic single sheet kit, the Gear Skin, to wrap it with.

  • Kenny: October 09, 2018
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    Do you have patterns for a Ruger Precision Rifle? Or a Vortex Scope?

  • GunSkins: October 04, 2018
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    Jose, our Pistol Skin is a universal fit and will work for your HK Elite.

  • Jose G. Alfaro: October 04, 2018
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    If this GunSkins will fit on my HK ELITE
    .45ACP w/ 6.5 slide?

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