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Top 20 Gifts For Gun Lovers

Top 20 Gifts For Gun Lovers - GunSkins
Top 20 Gifts For Gun Lovers - GunSkins

Sometimes it’s a tough job trying to get a gift for a gun enthusiast. There’s a lot of options out there, and much of it is potentially expensive. Guns themselves can run for hundreds to thousands of dollars.

If you’re looking to avoid stuffing a stocking with a bazooka, then we’ve got you covered. There are many options out there that are extremely easy to get a hold of, potentially inexpensive, and sure to put a smile on any gun lover’s face. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 20 items you can think about for any gun enthusiast. To help you stay on budget, we’ve also estimated the general price of each item.  

1. Sidearm 

That’s right! The most obvious gift to get a gun enthusiast is, in fact, another gun. But this option comes in last, partially because sidearms are one of the more expensive items you could get.

A standard sidearm usually costs around $250, sometimes up to $500, depending on the quality and model you have in mind. Shotguns are sometimes cheaper. But the biggest risk here is that you are buying a gun for a gun enthusiast. 

Odds are if the gun’s price is within the region of a couple hundred dollars, then they either have it already or have something a bit more exciting. However, if you know someone excited about guns but doesn’t own one yet, then getting them their very first gun (in the form of a sidearm) would make their day—and probably their entire year.   

2. Suppressor 

Getting a suppressor (or silencer) could be a neat gift for a gun lover. Suppressors are perfectly legal in every state, so taking them to test out in a gun range could be a really fun experience. The user gets a little taste of what it feels like to be an assassin. The only issue with a suppressor is that they could possibly be just as expensive as the sidearm, somewhere around $200 or so. 

3. Boots 

No gun lover or outdoors person of any kind will say no to a good pair of boots. With their interests, they are most likely trying to get outside as often as possible, whether they’re headed to a shooting range or some gorgeous hunting grounds. 

Some nice boots will give them traction and comfort through whatever environment they’re headed to, and you can even specifically look for some tactical boots that are sure to impress. They may like them so much that the boots will become part of their daily apparel. Even tactical boots can be pretty inexpensive, potentially around $60 or so.

4. Ammunition 

What’s something a gun lover is in constant need of? Well, the answer is simple: ammo. If they’re using their weapons regularly, then they’re regularly going to need a reload. However, if you’re thinking about using this as your gift, you have to be careful to get the right kind of ammunition. 

You may have to be sneaky to figure out the type of ammo they need, but once you pull it off, they’ll be more than happy to be able to refresh their stockpile. Or, you can tell them that they’re going to need that ammo when you treat them to a trip to the shooting range next weekend!

5. Repair Kits and Tools

Guns take maintenance to keep them both clean and operable. Making sure your gun lover has the right kind of tools and equipment on hand is a great idea. 

The needs for their tools, however, entirely depend on what they have. They could need hammers, screwdrivers, adhesives— all of which vary in size. Grabbing some of these individual items should cost you $20 or more.

If they are crafty and like adding adhesive skins to all their gun gear, they might like an excel light duty knife. With five lightweight and interchangeable blades, this small knife can handle any big job. 

6. Ear Muffs and Plugs

Guns are loud! Get your gun lover some nice earmuffs for both their comfort and their safety. You could get them a restock of their earplugs which can cost $10 or more. But good-quality ear muffs are available for just about the same price.

If you’re prepared to spend $20 or more, you could buy them their new favorite pair of earmuffs to take to the range.

7. Targets 

Someone who has a gun to shoot needs something to shoot at, right? Gun ranges always provide targets, but they may or may not let you keep the target afterward, especially if a target is more solid and mounted. Targets are usually nice and cheap, around $15.

8. Cases

You’ve got to have something to carry your guns in. Sometimes there’s too much equipment to strap to your immediate person, or you want to focus on storage with the help of a gun case. Specially made gun cases, travel bags, backpacks, or strongboxes all exist to make the life of a gun lover easier. Some of them only run for about $50 or so. 

9. Sunglasses and Hats 

What gun lover would say no to a good pair of sunglasses or a high-quality hat? It’s only going to make them look cooler as they handle their weapon. More importantly, however, they’ll provide protection from the sun and better aim while they’re at the range.

These are common and inexpensive gifts to get just about anyone, in fact, so keep aside $20 or more if this sounds like the right option for your gun lover. 

10. Holsters 

Custom gun holsters are great options to get a gun lover. They’ll usually work best for sidearms since there are sizes that are universal to suit any pistol. There are, however, options for rifles and larger weapons as well to keep an eye out for.

Straps or slings for rifles are another thing to keep in mind since they’re far easier to pack or hide than some sort of rifle pouch. Most of which are inexpensive, around $15 to $20. 

11. Gun Lubricants and Parts Oils 

As was mentioned before, guns take upkeep. Getting special tools to make sure that a gun can be repaired is a good thing to invest in, but sometimes gun jam or stick or whatever. Gun lovers may find themselves needing to clean guns with lubricants, gun oils, or perhaps a type of polish even more often than their trusty wrench. You’ll only need to worry about spending $10 or so when getting these items.

12. Bandoliers 

Who doesn’t love a cool-looking bandolier? If you picture a gunslinger of the Old West, you likely think of this utilitarian accessory. A bandolier is a belt with cases for individual rounds of ammunition. It is often shown slung across the body; some wear one while others prefer two.

A gun lover would be more than excited to strap on a bandolier when going to a gun range, or who knows, maybe around the house too. Bandoliers are frequently ideal for shotgun shells, but others exist for any size bullet or tactical pouches, making them useful for anything. You should only have to spend $10 or $20 on this.

13. Tactical Vests and Gear  

In the same spirit of bandoliers, tactical vests are guaranteed to make a gun lover happy. These vests come with pockets, pouches, straps, and holsters of all sorts depending on your pick. 

Getting of good quality means you’re only looking at about $40. If you want to get them any accompanying gear, think about tactical gloves, knee and elbow pads, or tactical belts. Each of these costs a little less than the vest itself. 

14. Grips 

Guns can be slippery sometimes, so getting a nice grip for your gun lover is great. Grip attachments exist for rifles and larger options, and for any gun, you can slip on a tactical sleeve on the handle. The more expensive ones can be screwed on with additional accessories like lights and lasers, but these can cost hundreds. Cheaper ones or those like tape are prone to peeling and coming detached. 

For a premium grip, try the Grip Assist Liquid Grip Additive that comes in either silver or black. This grip from GunSkins can easily be applied in two simple steps. 40 minutes later, you have a quality grip that can handle anything you throw at it. This grip is perfect for vinyl, metal, plastic, wood, and more.

15. Blades and Bayonets

It might not be a gun, but the kind of person who likes guns is sure to be happy to see a knife as well. Strapping a knife on one thigh with a good sidearm on the other is sure to make a gun lover plenty happy. And, both the knife and its pouch can be fairly inexpensive. Good quality ones will put you at $50 and above. 

If the gun lover has a type of gun compatible with a bayonet, this would be a great fit for them. The main purpose of this would probably just be for the aesthetic, but they’re sure to love feeling a blade attached to their usual weapon. Your giftee not into bayonets? Perhaps they would like a hunting knife.

16. GunsSkins 

GunSkins premium vinyl skins are available in a variety of patterns. They can be applied to any gun easily at home. This is a great way to help gun lovers show off and display their weapons in a cool, personalized way. 

Our patterns include military, tactical, patriotic, and more. Our skins protect the weapon making this an all-around great gift. For an extended present, there are prepaid three or six-month subscriptions to Mag Skin of the Month. Your giftee will receive new GunSkins every month in a plan that can be uniquely customized.

If your giftee is particular about their firearm preferences, a GunSkins e-gift card will allow the recipient to choose what products best suit their loadout. 

17. Flashlights

Flashlights are sure to be a great gift for any gun lover. There are a multitude of expensive or inexpensive handheld flashlights that will look great on their belt or vest. But of course, what they will really want is a light that attaches to the gun itself. These can be expensive, but you can find some that come all the way down to $30 or so.

18. Sights and Scopes 

Sights are a fantastic gift for a gun lover. They can always switch out their sights for a new feel every time they visit a range or switch weapons. Scopes and holographic sights can start to get pretty expensive since the same models that military use are available almost anywhere.

But, others are fairly simple yet good quality and will only cost around $30 or so if you look in the right places. A popular choice is the rangefinder scope.

19. Laser Accessories

Your gun lover will probably get excited upon even just hearing the word “laser” spoken. So giving them a laser to put on their gun is sure to make them extremely happy. These will span anywhere from $50 and well above, depending on the quality. Your gun lover will thank you for investing in this as they aim at their target with a glowing green or red dot hovering near their mark. 

20. Gun Charms

Gun charms are the easiest, simplest, cheapest, yet most fun items you can get a gun lover. Gun charms are little medallions, shapes, or figures that attach to the side of a gun like a key chain for a pop of personality and uniqueness

They appear in countless video games as desired ornaments to help customize your weapon, but they are real too! Of course, they have to be tiny to fit on the gun without obstructing the user’s performance, so you could buy virtually as much as you want, and they would be easy to hide or pack. 

Gun charms, whether they are custom-made, purchased in a store, or made from scratch, should cost around $10. That’s a very small amount of money to spend on something that a gun lover will adore and attach to their favorite weapon(s), likely never to move it—unless it’s simply for a new charm to suit the mood.



Ammunition | Military Analysis Network  

10 Shooting Targets Made For Fun Gunning | GunDigest

What Is Tactical Gear and How Has It Become a Trend? | The US Marines

How Gun-Mounted Lasers Can Make You a Better Shooter | NRA Family

First-Time Handgun Buyers Guide | NRA Family


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