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Can I Still Clean and Lubricate My Gun With GunSkins Installed?

Can I Still Clean and Lubricate My Gun With GunSkins Installed? - GunSkins
Can I Still Clean and Lubricate My Gun With GunSkins Installed? - GunSkins

Cleaning and prepping your gun is essential when installing a GunSkins vinyl wrap. The surface has to be free from oil and dirt in order to achieve maximum adhesion. If you've already had your gun wrapped for a while, you may wonder if there are any special instructions for cleaning and maintaining your gun afterward. Can you still clean the surface if you have a GunSkin on it?

Absolutely! The GunSkins requires no special handling. With the obvious exception of using harsh chemicals and bleaching products, any gun-specific cleaner, degreaser, and lubrication will work just fine. Your typical spray, cream, gel, or oil will not affect the surface of the vinyl in a negative way. You can keep your maintenance routine the same.

That's the great thing about GunSkins. You really can set it and forget it. When installed properly, the vinyl creates a seal on the surface, which leaves it in the same condition it was when you started. You can take your gun apart, swap out components, and put everything back together without worry. The vinyl wrap will not impede your ability to safely handle your firearm or clean it like you normally would.

Froglube CLP

Froglube makes some of the best gun cleaning products available!

We personally use FrogLube to clean and lubricate our guns. The FrogLube Solvent is perfect when removing the gun oil, which is necessary before applying the GunSkin. Afterward, we recommend the FrogLube lubricant to finish it off. You can apply this all over the gun, right on top of the vinyl without any hesitation. The advantage of using FrogLube is that it's all biodegradable. No harmful fumes to breathe in or harsh chemicals to deal with on your hands or your work station.

GunSkins is proud to partner with FrogLube, and we wouldn't recommend it unless we use it ourselves on a regular basis! That's why we offer the stand alone solvent for cleaning (or as part of our install bundle) and the CLP Clamshell. The later comes with the solvent and the lubricant, along with a brush. CLP stands for Clean, Lubricate, and Protect. Add a little Protection in Camouflage and you're good to go!


  • Tamasha Miller: September 26, 2023
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    I just removed skins from my Glock 40. What can I clean it with to get the sticky residue off?

  • GunSkins: July 19, 2018
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    Good question, Al. If the button presses down and up, you can trim at the base of the button so it can move freely. If the button is a toggle that moves forward and back, I suggest trimming the entire thing out. You can leave the top of the button wrapped, but anywhere there is movement should be left unobstructed.

  • Al: July 19, 2018
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    How do you apply it to a crimson trace laser. I have one on my glock and one on my xds. The button area which moves when depressed. Will the material move or does the button area need to be removed?

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