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Why We Use FrogLube Solvent

Why We Use FrogLube Solvent - GunSkins
Why We Use FrogLube Solvent - GunSkins

"A clean gun makes for a clean install."

Every one of our installation tutorial videos makes this point. The vinyl material used to skin your gun will not adhere well to the surface of the weapon if grease, dirt, and grime are present. This is true for all surface coatings such as spray paint or hydrographics. New guns are particularly prone to this difficulty as they come nicely oiled, fresh from the factory.

Before installing any GunSkins kit on a firearm, it is necessary to clean the surface of the gun. We use Frog Solvent a bio based cleaning product from FrogLube. No, we don't mean amphibian mucus. Continue reading to find out what FrogLube is all about...


FrogLube is a cleaner, lubricant, and protectant (CLP). It was developed in 2009 by Capt Larry Lasky, a former NAVY SEAL. His first hand experience in the military has taught him the importance of using dependable and functioning firearms. When guns and gear lock up and fail, lives can be at risk. By using FrogLube on firearms, the chances of mechanical failure significantly lowered, if not eliminated completely.

The product is available in liquid and paste form. Directions for use are simple. First a cleaning solvent is used to prep the firearm. It cleans weapons by removing oils, grease, and petrochemicals found on new guns. Secondly, a non-petroleum, bio-based lubricant is applied and left indefinitely to protect the firearm from malfunction.

This company manufactures the "world's only complete bio based 'green' weapons care system solvent and clp - USDA approved." All of their solvents and clps are completely safe on your skin, eyes, and clothes. There are no toxic chemicals used and it is completely bio-degradable. It may sound a little sales-pitchy, but when you handle your gun often, it's nice to know there's no negative long term effects to worry about. 


While any generic de-greaser can be used to clean and prepare your gun, we recommend using the FrogLube Cleaning Solvent because they are designed specifically for weapons. It cleans at room temperature and dissolves carbon and active corrosion on contact. When paired with GunSkins, it's like a match made in heaven.

Failure to properly clean the surface of the firearm will make installing the GunSkin challenging, and may cause complications in the future. Our experience with FrogLube has been nothing but positive. It gets the job done and it does so without the toxic fumes that other solvents may emit. We make it a routine habit of ours to clean our guns regularly. GunSkins or not, FrogLube Solvent is a must have to all serious gun owners.

Using Frog Lube Solvent

Application is simple: Spray on, let sit a few minutes, and finally wipe dry.


If your gun is brand new, it will likely be treated with a lubricant or petro-chemical substance used to preserve the gun and prevent rusting. FrogLube Solvent will remove the petroleum fouling and/or residue from the weapon. Old and used weapons will have their own grease and oil buildup from normal use. Not a problem. Best of all, the solvent will not leave any residue of its own afterward. The actual process should take no longer than 5-10 minutes, for most firearms. Here's how to apply the FrogLube Solvent:

    1. Remove ‘heavy’ grease or stubborn fouling with nylon brush and/or shop towels.

    2. Apply generous amount of FrogLube Solvent using brush, towels or spray applicator.

    3. Allow 1-3 minutes to activate full cleaning action.

    4. Agitate/scrub surface with nylon brush, towel or cleaning tool. You may notice a slight foaming on surface.

    5. Wipe off with microfiber towel, patches or paper towels to remove all moisture.
      Note: If you prefer, you may use compressed air to blow off excess until dry.

    After applying the FrogLube, the surface of the firearm should now be clean, dry, and ready for the installation of the GunSkins camouflage wrap.

    Gunskins degreasing gun

    You may use standard weapons cleaning tools such as nylon brushes, bore patches and brushes, Q-tips, bore snakes and cloths.


    Let me hammer this point: before installing a GunSkin camouflage wrap we recommend only using the FrogLube Cleaning Solvent. Remember, FrogLube produces both a cleaning solvent and their flagship CLP lubricant. Applying the CLP before installing the GunSkins vinyl kit will again hinder adhesion because the material won't have a clean surface to bond with. However, after the gun skin has been successfully installed, the CLP portion of the FrogLube process can be applied with no problems at all.

    FrogLube Solvent Bottles

    FrogLube Solvents and CLP products come in a variety of sizes. For installing GunSkins on a few firearms, the 4 oz bottle will be more than enough to clean the guns. If you install as many kits as we do, the larger bottles may be necessary. We support FrogLube and stand behind their products. When it comes to cleaning and de-greasing, nothing else that can compare. FrogLube is effective and safe. It's important to clean your gun the right way in order to install your gun skin the right way.


    • GunSkins: December 31, 2015
      Author's avatar image

      Good question, Ernie. Normally, firearms should be cleaned and maintained after every use. Apply FrogLube to glide and friction points in accordance with firearm instructions. After firing, when the barrel is hot, is a good time to apply FrogLube into the barrel as the heat will accelerate the absorption into the voids of the metal. After treatment, you will notice a marked reduction in friction and temperature. It is not necessary to do this after every use, but should be done at regular intervals. You should ensure the excess FrogLube is removed by running a bore patch through the bore until it is clean and smooth.

    • Ernie: December 31, 2015
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      I have followed all the instructions using FL on all of my hand guns, just got back from the range and used 3 of them. It says to just wipe down. Do I reapply again heating and FL clp, use FL solvent? I saw where it said you should do full first time treatments 3 times, what should be done to the barell each time after firing.

    • Ron: October 30, 2015
      Author's avatar image

      Impressive material. Just what I ended up being searching for!
      All the best,

      Check out our new release at http://www.lepsoft*com

    • GunSkins: January 12, 2015
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      That’s not good. Our experience using it has been exceptionally positive. I hope FrogLube can find a solution for you. As an alternative, we recommend trying Gun Scrubber Gun Cleaner.

    • Scott Baxter: January 11, 2015
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      I think my solvent missed the secret sauce, and was only/mostly water. I read the instructions and was totally anal in the application. Very poor performance. Love the lube, but my bottle of solvent was a joke. Contacted manufacturer about it. I now use spray electrical contact cleaner (carbon tet) with great effect. Odor is an issue, but carbon tet is non flammable at least.

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