Prepare for the third coming. Special-Edition Skins featuring the Merc with a Mouth - SHOP MAXIMUM EFFORT


The Arsenal is a collection of unique AR-15 Mag Skins, designed for our Mag Skin of the Month subscription program. Members get access to new designs first on a monthly basis, but then they get archived and can be purchased individually right here!

Mag Skin of the Month members get an additional 10% discount on Arsenal Mag Skins - Apply discount code ARSENAL at checkout for logged in subscribers.


The Arsenal is a collection of unique AR-15 Mag Skins, designed for our Mag Skin of the Month subscription program. Members get access to new designs first on a monthly basis, but then they get archived and can be purchased individually right here!

Mag Skin of the Month members get an additional 10% discount on Arsenal Mag Skins - Apply discount code ARSENAL at checkout for logged in subscribers.

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